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Homemade Oreo Pop Tarts - Kid friendly!

homemade oreo pop tarts

Inclusivity Statement: Regardless of your identity, you are welcome in this space. You don’t have to look like me, think like me, or be in the same phase of life as me to belong here. I am a proud mama, but I am also many other things: a wife, a sister, a daughter, a writer, an artist, and who knows what else. In this space, the only requirement is that we recognize that we are never done growing up, never done learning, and that there are no limits to who and what we can be.

I have a true confession... most nights, I end my evening with a handful of Oreos and a nice, cold glass of Lactaid milk. They are just the most perfect sweet snack in my opinion.

Natalie and I have been brainstorming different flavors of homemade pop tarts that we could make and it felt like an obvious choice for our Halloween-themed recipe. This is not much of a recipe, to be honest, and is very kid-friendly with easy steps and semi-homemade ingredients.

We made two versions of our homemade Oreo pop tarts so I will walk you through the process and show the variations.

How to Make Homemade Oreo Pop Tarts

Step 1 - Make pudding! We filled one Oreo pop tart with chocolate fudge pudding and the other with Oreo brand cookies and cream pudding. Either way, make your pudding according to the directions on the package. You will have extra! It does not take much to fill these pop-tarts.

homemade oreo pop tarts

Step 2 - Prep your crust. For one of our Oreo pop tarts, we used store-bought pie crust and sprinkled crushed Oreo cookies to give them a speckled look. For the chocolate pie crust, I used this recipe. It was 100% delicious but a little soft for this application - I had to put it back in the fridge often in order to handle it without it falling apart.

Remember you can make your homemade Oreo pop tarts any shape you want. Get creative!

homemade oreo pop tarts

homemade oreo pop tarts

Step 3 - Fill your pop tarts with a few tablespoons of pudding, being sure to leave a good border around the edge. It's not the end of the world if your pudding pokes out a little bit, but if it's too much, your crusts won't seal together.

homemade oreo pop tarts

homemade oreo pop tarts

Step 4 - Top your filled crusts with another crust that is close in size. (If you're not using a cookie cutter, I recommend measuring before you cut so that they are as close as possible to the same size.) Use your finger to push down the edges and then seal them with a fork, just like you would on the edge of a pie.

homemade oreo pop tarts

homemade oreo pop tarts

homemade oreo pop tarts

Step 5 - Bake! We baked both our Oreo pop tarts at 375 but check the package or recipe you choose to use for your crust. Neither one took very long, 6-9 minutes total so stay close to the oven and pull them out when the crust is nicely browned.

homemade oreo pop tarts

homemade oreo pop tarts

Step 6 - Top with frosting! For a super simple icing, combine a tiny splash of milk with powdered sugar until you reach your desired consistency. We also opted to melt in the Oreo filling we took out to make our Oreo crumbs to give it that over-the-top Oreo flavor.

homemade oreo pop tarts

homemade oreo pop tarts

homemade oreo pop tarts
Photos by Paula Ward Photgraphy

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